Do You Remember That You Have Children?
The Rev. Amy Morehous Year B, Proper 7 June 24, 2012 One of the participants in the Wednesday women’s Bible study told a story about her grandchildren. One morning, they were crouched outside their parents’ bedroom door. They had been given instructions not to wake their parents too early, so they were trying to be patient and wait, but it was getting harder and harder, because they were getting hungrier and hungrier. Their parents, of course, were already awake, and were lying in bed listening to them whisper to each other. One child, patience pushed to the limit, finally turned to the other and said, “Do you think they even remember that they have children?” I am fond of this Gospel passage. I even have an icon of it propped on my desk just beside my phone, because I need to be reminded of it frequently. Sometimes hourly. But contemplating this Gospel all week, I found myself in the boat with the disciples. And this time, I didn’t particularly like it. I hear ...