From a Distance
From a Distance Rob Gieselmann, Pent. 16A-17, August 27, 2017 I’m wondering this morning, what was your experience of the eclipse? When the upstart moon could no longer tolerate its second-tier position to the sun – that moon jumped head-long in front of the sun, blocking fire and light and all means of convention. What was your experience? Were you with friends? Were you among those who traveled to Grace Point, to eat a covered-dish lunch, and then lie on your back along the grassy peninsula? Maybe you invited your wife to join you on your fishing boat, in the middle of Ft. Loudon Lake, anchored to a pier, with an osprey nest directly overhead? The osprey cackled epithets at you – that is, until the light went dark and the birds and fish and boats with noisy motors, were quelled into silence… The Lord is in his holy Temple, Let all the earth keep silence before him. Emily Vreeland t...